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  1. StaySavvy

    Leading With Your Personal Story

    Gee... If I could pay myself $1 for every time I felt the question arise of whether or not I've 'made it' yet, I could have been retired by now!
  2. StaySavvy

    Leading With Your Personal Story

    There's always a tradeoff. Do what needs to be done. Own your future. These are things I learned from my parents, who are neither successful business people nor college educated. They don't have many trophies to show off or a study full of framed credentials and prestige. But they do have...
  3. StaySavvy

    How To "Convey Character" Better?

    One of the things we do is include an "owner story" in our guest materials (house guide, messaging, listing, welcome kit, etc.) that shares how the house came to be what it is today. Guests frequently comment about how much they love the story and I personally think it changes the relationship...
  4. StaySavvy

    Is 2023 The Big Shake Out?

    Love this @Eddie and way to get ahead of it. Curious about how you're implementing the marketing initiatives -- have you hired someone or started to dig into this yourself?
  5. StaySavvy

    How to Invest in People?

    Love all this and definitely gets the brainstorm going. This is one I actually started this year—to pay for courses and certifications—but then was confused when they asked if they would also get paid hourly for the time spent learning 🤔 Another people investment I make is not necessarily...
  6. StaySavvy


    Waivo is an insurance company that offers an ideal damage protection product for vacation rental managers. Basically, it acts like a piggy bank that lets you access recovery funds in case you ever find yourself in a pickle with one of your guests. How it Works: You add a per-booking surcharge...
  7. StaySavvy

    Guest's Ghost Experience

    Woah - crazy! Might be able to add "24/7 ghost concierge" to your list of amenities :p
  8. StaySavvy

    Profit as a Habit: 4 Ways to Increase Revenue without Increasing Your Fees

    Sliding scale for cleaning fee based on LOS? I haven't seen that before- love it! Is that only for direct bookings or also for OTAs? Curious what the jump is after 7? Do you also factor in guest count?
  9. StaySavvy

    Profit as a Habit: 4 Ways to Increase Revenue without Increasing Your Fees

    I stumbled into vacation rentals a few years ago and had no idea what I was doing. Yet, the transition wasn't too tricky coming from a hospitality background. What was difficult was the transition from amateur to professional. My business partner and I got started with one owned property in...
  10. StaySavvy


    In my experience, the expectation has to be set as early in the relationship as possible. So if that's when the property is sold (assuming there's a contingency on maintaining the same management company—you), maybe it's a 1-pager, or a few pages, about how you do things that's provided to the...
  11. StaySavvy


    Thanks for sharing this @Matt Landau. Very powerful and very timely. I'm hoping to see industry platforms like Breezeway use this to provide leveraged learning for its users (i.e. there's a plumbing issue at the house, instead of trying to learn how plumbing works and fail 5 times before finding...
  12. StaySavvy


    Hi everyone! I enrolled with Glimpse fall of last year (2020) and wanted to share this resource as you may find it suitable and beneficial for your own properties (had to give it some time to make sure). Glimpse is to VRMs what Statusphere is to social media influencers. Basically, it's a...
  13. StaySavvy

    How To Incentivize Our Best Teammates [Mega Thread]

    We've actually just rolled this out (because I came across this tip before) so I'm eager to see what kind of impact it has I'd love to learn more about these! @MikeH @JeffJ , especially the preventative maintenance @Randy When it comes to incentives, something worth considering is the line...
  14. StaySavvy

    Please Help: What Is Our "Ethos"?

    We're all a product of our culture... We don't have a choice in matters of where we start but we do have some influence over how the VRM journey unfolds for each of us. I'd say that ethos is more or less bequeathed to each of us and molds according to our unique influences before being passed...
  15. StaySavvy

    Don't Sell. Storytell!

    We've taken a different approach with one of our newest properties, experimenting with this exact technique. Instead of making the brand experience about us (Savvy), we've pointed the conversation at the homeowner particularly and tailored everything to complement it. Things like messaging...
  16. StaySavvy

    Is This The Vacation Rental Management Supply Chain of the Future?

    Right now we send something along these lines after receiving a 5-star review, or if someone complements us (find a way to plug the 'ask') Thank you for the review, so glad you enjoyed your stay! If you’d like, we can send you exclusive discounts on your next stay both at this home and our...
  17. StaySavvy

    Is This The Vacation Rental Management Supply Chain of the Future?

    At first thought, I'd consider Data to be a missing piece in this graph. Drawing insights from (useful) data is a hidden opportunity to enhance both operations and guest experience. Perhaps, in some way, it's connected to all of these pieces listed, but the practical collection and use of data...
  18. StaySavvy

    6 Ways To Emanate "Lifestyle Brand" Vibes

    Love this idea! Curious to know how you set the stage for the call and what the flow of conversation sounds like?
  19. StaySavvy

    6 Ways To Emanate "Lifestyle Brand" Vibes

    I translate the 'lifestyle' aspect of branding as 'experiential' travel... Coming from a dense hospitality background, it's all about the experience which, as Matt pointed out, is a byproduct of the property itself. One strategy we use to create the 'character' of a property is a unique...